Development Life Skills

General life skills and personal development

West Companions can assist you to manage day to life challenges encountered by some of the people who live with both physical and mental disability. We offer a range of training and development activities, aimed at building their capacity to manage day to day life, through the development of their knowledge, skills and networks of support.

Our staff can work with you to develop your skills and independence to manage your finances, including managing a bank account and creating a budget. By working to improve your numeracy and literacy, we can also improve your skills for communication and independent living.

Some general life skills development can include.

  • Nutrition: such as shopping for groceries and planning for and preparing a healthy meal
  • Communicating with service providers and support networks
  • Maintaining cleanliness in your home: such as housework, laundering of clothes and addressing maintenance issues or repairs
  • Personal hygiene: such as showering, toileting and personal care

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Fill in the form below and our team will be happy to assist you

Contact Information


Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Weekends – 9am-1pm


Bennett Springs
WA 6063

Get in touch

Fill in the form below and our team will be happy to assist you

Contact Information


Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Weekends – 9am-1pm


Bennett Springs
WA 6063